Tune in to our free mindfulness podcast. Why is mindfulness such a popular form of stress-reduction? Defined as “the basic human capacity to pay attention on purpose, with […]
The sudden increase in sunlight in the spring can destabilize mood, causing mania, insomnia, agitation, and anxious energy. Dr. Aiken discusses a new strategy using blue-light blocking […]
Why does our transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) room look onto a forest? TMS treats depression. It can work when medications have not, and it works better when people […]
TMS is a magnetic therapy for depression that can work when medications have not. There are two types of TMS machines and the rivalry between them is like […]
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) received its second FDA approval in psychiatry this week, for obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). TMS has been used for depression since 2008 […]
The stores are out of hand sanitizer and you’re stuck at home making your own (recipe here). Schools are shut down and you’re learning to waive from […]
We offer telemedicine visits if you are unable to come in due to signs of viral infection during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. It’s simple. Just contact […]
School is back for the Fall, and so is our Fall newsletter, filled with simple methods to keep your brain awake and alert while it’s learning. Also […]
A DBT-based group to build stress management skills This 6-session seminar will teach core Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) skills to help relationships, depression, anger, and impulsive […]