Drawing Labs
At Mood Treatment Center Winston
- 104 Cambridge Plaza Dr, Winston-Salem, NC 27104 (corner of Country Club and Jonestown Rd)
- Monday – Thursday, 8am – 3:30pm and Friday, 12-2pm by appointment only (call our office at 336-722-7266 to schedule)
- Walk in hours: Fridays, 8am – 12pm
- Lab drawing fee $10
- After drawing, we send your labs to LabCorp. Any fees for lab analysis not covered by insurance would be billed to you by LabCorp
At a Free Standing Lab
Click to find your nearest location for Labcorp or Quest. Appointments are optional at these locations. Bring your insurance card with you.
At NC Baptist Hospital/Wake Forest Health
This option may be best for those covered by the NCBH/WFU health plan. Call (336) 716-2652 for latest information as the locations and times below are subject to change:
Main Lab Outpatient Collection, 7 Janeway Tower
Monday – Friday, 7:30 am – 6:00 pm
CompRehab Plaza, 131 Miller Street, 2nd floor
Monday – Friday, 7:30 am – 6:00 pm
Downtown Health Plaza, 1200 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., 1st floor
Monday – Friday, 8 am – 8 pm, Saturday, 9 am – 1 pm
Clemmons Medical Plaza, 2311 Lewisville-Clemmons Road, 1st floor
Monday – Friday, 7:30 am – 5:30 pm
WFBH Diagnostic Laboratory Service Center, 3740 Vest Mill Road
Monday – Friday, M-F 8am-5pm (closed for lunch 12:30-1:30pm)
Greensboro NCBH Draw Site
Medical Plaza – North Elm, 3903 North Elm St Suite 101, Greensboro, NC 27455
Hours: M-F 8am-5pm (closed for lunch 12:00-1:00pm)
At Your Primary Care Office
You are welcome to draw your labs at your primary care physicians office. This has the advantage of keeping it in your healthcare system but some primary care offices do not draw labs from outside physicians and when they do we usually don’t receive the results. If you draw at another doctors office, as about signing up for their patient portal. That way you can view the labs and show them to us if we don’t receive them.
Our phlebotomy team at
104 Cambridge Plaza Dr Winston-Salem

- Check the top of your lab order to see if you need to fast or draw labs in the morning. Nothing there? Then you can get them anytime
- If fasting, skip food and drink for 12 hours before the labs. Water is OK.
- Checking a medication level? Draw those labs 10-14 hours (12 is ideal) after your last dose. Make sure to take your medication correctly and at the same dose for at least 5 days before drawing the labs.
- We will call or email you within 3-5 days.
- Let us know if you do not want us to leave a message with the results.
- If you don’t hear from us it may mean we didn’t get the results so drop us a line.