National Resources
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) Referrals
Includes several referral search engines, including some that are comprehensive and some that are more specific to mood disorders. Click Wellness Options then Find a Provider. Another good option is to call the leader of your local DBSA group to ask for a recommendation (DBSA can put you in touch with the support group leaders).
American Psychiatric Association
Click Psychiatrists then Find a Psychiatrist Database.
Psychology Today Referral Source
A great resource for finding local therapists.
Residential Treatment Options
Long term treatment facilities. Referral List:
A listing of bipolar specialists (most are at medical schools).
Buprenorphine (Suboxone)
Buprenorphine (or Suboxone) is a treatment for opioid-dependence which requires specialized license to prescribe.
TMS (Transcranial magnetic stimulation):
TMS is an FDA approved treatment for depression (the manufacturer websites for Neuronetics or Brainsway can guide you to providers; we use the Brainsway device in our practice).
National Network of Depression Centers. Click “Our Network” for a partial list of medical schools with specialized mood centers.
Psychiatrists by State
North Carolina
Best Doctors in NC. A list of doctors recommended by other physicians.
North Carolina Psychiatric Association:
Allows you to select psychiatrists based on their areas of expertise.
Duke Mood Disorders Program
They offer specialized programs including a treatment center for bipolar disorder and depression and a CBT and DBT program.
Click on “County Resources” to find public-sector services for psychiatric care.
John Beyer, MD, Durham NC (Duke). (919) 684-0100.
Paul A. Buongiorno, MD, Wilmington, NC. (910) 762-8400.
Richard Weisler, MD, Raleigh, NC. (919) 872-5900.
UCLA Mood Disorders Research Program
UC-San Diego International Mood Center
Eric Levander, MD, 9171 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 680, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, (310) 499-4644
Tammas Kelly, MD. 400 E Horsetooth Rd # 300, Fort Collins, CO 80525 (970) 484-5625
Joe Goldberg, MD. Norwalk.
Steven Weisblatt, MD. 600 Steamboat Road (Mail to: PO Box 4912), Greenwich, CT 06830 (203) 517-0550.
Chicago Psychiatry Associations
Johns Hopkins Mood Disorders Program
National Institutes of Health Mood Research Program
This is a research, not a treatment center, so people can participate in treatment there as part of a research study
Nassir Ghaemi, MD (Boston)
Tufts Medical Center, Dept of Psychiatry, 800 Washington Street, #1007, Boston, MA 02111
Harvard University (Boston)
Bipolar Clinic and Research Program
50 Staniford Street, 5th Floor; Boston, MA 02114
(617) 726-5855
Mayo Clinic Mood Disorders Program
Robert Caldwell, MD and Dana Hillyer, APRN, (406) 495-1515
Daniel Wilson, MD
New York
Bipolar Family Center, New York, NY
Columbia University Mood Disorders Center, New York, NY (this site is mostly for active research studies you could participate in).
Ivan Goldberg, MD.
Valentine Raiteri, MD. (212) 213-2853.
Case Western Mood Disorders Clinic
One of the top research and treatment centers in the country, (216) 844-2863.
Cleveland Clinic Mood Disorders Program
Offers inpatient and outpatient services, phone (216) 363-2122.
Roger Sparhawk, MD, Akron and Medina Ohio, (330) 665-8225
University of Pittsburgh Mood Disorders Program
One of the top research and treatment centers for depression and bipolar. They are particularly strong in integrating psychotherapy with medication treatment. Phone (412) 246-6111.
Steven Weisblatt, MD, 231 Old Route 940, Pocono Lake, PA 18347 (570) 646-6677.
South Carolina
MUSC Dept of Psychiatry (Charleston)
Vladimir Maletic, MD. 38 Parkway Commons Way, Greer, SC 29650, (864) 848-4448
Linda Cabbage, PMH-NP, Maryville, TN, (865) 984-9933
Baylor Mood Disorders Center (Houston)
In addition to the Menninger Institute which offers comprehensive general psychiatric assessments, Baylor also has a mood disorders center (the link to it on this site is not currently working).
Counseling and Therapy: National Resources
Psychology Today Referral Source
A great resource for finding local therapists.
American Psychological Association:
A referral directory of psychologists.
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) Referrals:
Includes referral directories for psychotherapists.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Referral Center:
Though developed for borderline personality disorder, this therapy is also helpful for some types of bipolar disorder.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Referral Center:
This form of therapy is based on similar principles to DBT (see above) and is helpful for mood disorders (click on “Find an ACT Therapist”).
Contextual Behavioral Therapies:
Contextual therapies base some of their work on mindfulness. They include DBT and ACT (mentioned above).
CBASP Referral Center:
This is the only form of therapy which has proven especially helpful for chronic depression. Clinicians who are certified it are listed here.
Anxiety Disorders Association of America
Click on “Find a Therapist” for therapists with an interest in anxiety.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Referral Centers
CBT is effective for depression and also has developed techniques to help bipolar disorders. Try these links below to find a therapist trained in CBT:
Academy Of Cognitive Behavioral Therapists (click on “General Info…Find a Certified CBT Therapist)
American Association for the Advancement of CBT (click on “Find a Therapist”)
Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
Other Treatments
Sleep Medicine Specialists
A referral directory of sleep clinics for sleep apnea, narcolepsy, sleep movements and other sleep disorders.